Invest in Union's ministries of Christ-like Love and Liberation with your tax-deductible year-end contribution!

Dear Union Family,

As 2023 — the Year of Creativity — comes to a close, we have much to celebrate. “Indeed, we are God’s works of art, created in Christ Jesus to do the good things God created us to do from the beginning” (Ephesians 2:10, The Inclusive Bible). We continue to grow spiritually, missionally, numerically, and financially. So much creative work has happened this year, including:

As 2023 comes to a close, though, we haven’t yet reached our general fund goal of $400k in unrestricted gifts, which pays for these extraordinary ministries and day-to-day operations.

Union, we need your help.  Will you help us by making a year-end gift to Union? Your special year-end gift will help secure Union’s commitment to flourishing and freedom.

Union is a story of love and liberation. Over our 200-year history, Union has been a spiritual home for those whose bodies and stories were not permitted to flourish elsewhere. Our centuries-old dedication to unconditional love, compassionate service, and intersectional justice is now being lived out in 7 locations — 4 sanctuaries and 3 residences — throughout Boston.

As we get ready for 2024 — the Year of Possibility — would you consider making a special year-end gift? Please remember that your charitable contribution is completely tax deductible.

We’re excited because the words of Christ Jesus are true: “with God all things are possible” (Mt. 19:26).

Thank you!

in Love and Liberation,

Rev. Dr.  Jay Williams, Lead Pastor

Ruby Blake, Lay Leader

Dr. Gary Bailey, Chair, Church Council

Rev. Dr. Sara Garrard, Executive Pastor

Rev. Kyle Walden, Discipleship Pastor