Union Online - Virtual Church
Online Sunday Worship – 11:15am
(Click here to view the Order Of Worship for Sunday June 21, 2020)
To join us online for Sunday worship, you can click the link below to log in using the Zoom app. From your computer or your smartphone, you’ll have a choice of having your video camera on so that others can see you, or you can leave it turned off. Or, by using one of the phone numbers and the meeting ID below, you can call in and listen to the service without any video
Click this link to join the service: https://zoom.us/j/178147880
Meeting ID: 178 147 880
Or dial-in: +1 312 626 6799, Meeting ID: 178 147 880
Or dial-in: +1 929 205 6099, Meeting ID: 178 147 880
Important Update from Union Church
This is in response to plans to reopen Massachusetts. Click here to read the update from Union Leadership. If you cannot view it, you may click here for the plain text version of the update.
July at Union: Bible 101
The Ministerial Team will be connecting our July Church-wide Bible Study to the Sunday morning sermons to learn more about Scripture in a July of Bible 101.
Together we will ask the important questions:
- What is the Bible?
- How do we read it?
- And how can it (or not!) be a spiritual resource in these trying times?
Hear the sermons by our pastors and ministers on Sunday mornings. Then go deeper on Wednesday evenings in July at 6pm by hearing more and discussing with others.
June Bible Study
Join the church in this four-week June Bible Study though the Book of Acts (formally known as the Acts of the Apostles). We will meet every Wednesday in June and it will be presented by the Ministerial Team.
Please visit this page to sign-up and click the “Join this group” button.
The Sunday Morning Study Group
During the month of June on Sundays from 9:45am-10:45am, we will study “Virus as a Summons to Faith: Biblical Reflections in a Time of Loss, Grief, and Uncertainty” by Walter Brueggemann
Please visit this page to sign-up and click the “Join this group” button.
UnionReads – Spring Edition
UnionReads is going digital! Mark your calendars for the upcoming dates: 6:30pm on Thursdays May 14th, May 28th, June 11th, and June 25th.
Please visit this page to sign-up and click the “Join this group” button.
Narnia Book Study
Wonder. Critique. Journey together. | Experience anew the popular children’s series by C.S. Lewis in this adult book study
Our Next Book: The Magician’s Nephew
We meet bi-weekly at 12:45pm on Sundays: May 3, May 17, May 31, June 14, and June 28.
Please visit this page to sign-up and click the “Join this group” button.
Young Adults Connection Group
Join our other Young Adults (21+) at Union in this Connection Group that meets to fellowship with one another and discuss a variety of topics.
We meet Weekly at 6:30pm. Please visit this page to sign-up and click the “Join this group” button.

Weekly Spiritual Refresh
Take 15 minutes to connect with God and one another!
To join us online for the weekly Spiritual Refresh sessions, you can click the link below to log in using the Zoom app. From your computer or your smartphone, you’ll have a choice of having your video camera on so that others can see you, or you can leave it turned off. Or, by using one of the phone numbers and the meeting ID below, you can call in and listen to the Spiritual Refresh without any video.
Click this link to join the Spiritual Refresh session: https://zoom.us/j/183193130
Meeting ID:183 193 130
Or dial-in: +1 312 626 6799, Meeting ID: 183 193 130
Or dial-in: +1 929 205 6099, Meeting ID: 183 193 130
You can join us during these two times during the week:
- Wednesdays at 7am – Scripture Reading and Prayer
- Fridays at noon – Guided Meditation