Join us for Sunday Worship each week at 11:15am ET in-person or online!

Each week of Lent, we will have a spiritual practice that will help us deepen this season of spiritual preparation. Each worship service, we will dig into the practice together. We hope you will be with us this Lent on the way to Easter Sunday!


For the six weeks of Lent, Union’s Weekly Lenten Devotional focuses our collective attention on a Spiritual Practice that helps us slow down and get rooted in the presence of God that is already at hand. In addition to tips on spiritual practice, each week will include readings, resources, and more to listen more deeply to the Spirit of God.

Sign-up to receive it at the beginning of each week in your email inbox.

Past weeks’ devotionals will be posted here:

Archived Lenten devotionals from years past may be found here.


There are connection groups this season where you can go deeper in community and in your spiritual journey:

  • UnionReads Book Club begins again on Thursday, 2/15 at 6:00pm ET on zoom, reading The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store: A Novel by James McBride. Sign-up here.
  • Bible Study, Wednesdays at 6:00pm ET on zoom, reading through Exodus. Sign-up here.
  • Weekly Prayer Call, Wednesdays at 7:00am ET on zoom. Login and info here.
  • Weekly Meditation, Tuesdays at 11:00am ET on zoom. Login and info here.
  • Kids Sunday School, for ages 3-12 for a time enrichment and fellowship. Sundays during 11:15am ET worship, beginning March 1st.
  • Wednesday Book Club, Wednesdays at 12:00pm ET on zoom. Sign-up here.

Lent at Union

In the Year of Possibility at Union, we follow Jesus the Christ into the unknown for forty days of listening, preparations, and discernment. The wilderness reminds us of the harshness and fecundity of the unknown, this place where God goes before us and where God is making new possibilities in the wilderness (Is. 43:19). In the wilderness, we recognize our need for God. So through spiritual practices, we will tune our hearts to the Spirit of God and ground ourselves in the truth that, no matter what may come, God is with us.