Check out our many opportunities for connecting with God and one another.

Join our Weekly Prayer Call

Wednesdays at 7am ET

Be in prayer and in community as we lift up joys and concerns to God together on this 20-minute call.

Login a few minutes early to hear some pre-prayer music together. Some call in by phone, others join on zoom with cameras off.

Join us on Zoom:
Meeting ID:183 193 130

Or dial-in: +1 312 626 6799, Meeting ID: 183 193 130
Or dial-in: +1 929 205 6099, Meeting ID: 183 193 130

Weekly Meditation Group

Tuesdays at 11am ET

Center down and get grounded together!

Join our group that meets every Tuesday morning for contemplative meditation and community! We gather for 30 minutes for a time of check-in and silence to practice meditation together on zoom.

Join us on Zoom:

Meeting ID: 827 6589 6627
Passcode: 855576

Church-Wide Bible Study

Wednesdays at 6pm ET

Bible Study at Union is different than your typical Bible Study. Here, everyone is empowered to come to the Bible as they are, with their curiosities, questions, critiques, and even doubts. We believe that reading the Bible in community is the best way to get a richer understanding of the text and our own lives.

The Pastoral Team offers some framing thoughts and context. But then the real work happens as we discuss the text together.

Connection Groups

These weekly or bi-weekly groups allow you a chance to meet others at Union and grow spiritually.

View our offerings in the Gallery to the left or click below for more information.