Communion at Union

Beloved, we are currently celebrating Holy Communion on First Sundays in a hybrid format. This is part of how we live more authentically into our embodied form of hybrid worship (online and in-person).

How to prepare for Holy Communion both in-person and online

For those celebrating in-person, we will have hygienic, sealed, pre-filled communion cups with gluten-free wafers.

For those celebrating online on Zoom, prior to service, go to the grocery store and pick up grape juice and crackers (or any bread, including gluten-free, will do). When the time comes in service, you will be invited to pour yourself a small amount of grape juice into a cup and prepare your bread on a plate. 

All are strongly encouraged to attend the service live at 11:15am ET in order to partake in communion simultaneously, around the same table, in each other’s company.

During the ongoing public health emergency, we will be celebrating Holy Communion in this hybrid format. We affirm the power of the Holy Spirit and the overwhelming presence of God’s grace that truly connects us and embodies us as a faith community in these difficult days!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to to get in contact with a Pastor.